Monday, June 24, 2013

Yes I Can Award Recipient Holly Henderson

This year has been an exciting one for Holly Henderson aka hchollyh within Quest Atlantis and in her personal life.   She began the year as a very quiet student and ended the year full of enthusiasm and achievement.  Holly has made extraordinary progress this year in many areas of her life and it can be contributed to her hard work and perseverance. She has a wonderful support system with her parents, educational assistants, family members, teachers and her friends.  A wonderful attitude and steadfast spirit have brought Holly to a very special year of success with Quest Atlantis.  A few months ago, Sharlene Grant, her SE teacher and I put together a nomination for Holly for the BC Council for Exceptional Children.  Recently, we heard the exciting news that Holly had won for her success in Technology this year.  Congratulations, Holly!  You are one of the 10 deserving recipients of this award from all of British Columbia.  I traveled to Vancouver to receive Holly’s award for her as she had already planned a trip and was having fun in Quebec with her Mom and sister.  It was an honour to represent Holly there and she had a very special message shared about her achievements and received a certificate and an awesome trophy. BRAVO!!! Holly has graduated this year and will be pursuing a new wonderful adventure.  She will be missed as a student, but she will hopefully return as a mentor.


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